Furniture Distribution
Veterans Furniture Warehouse
Call Damian for appointment
referred by verifiable veterans organization.
(SSVF, local VA Social Worker.....)
Must have Referral signed and in hand to access warehouse no exceptions.

Financial Emergencies for Veterans
Veterans In Need emergency financial assistance is provided under many types of conditions or situations. Usually involved are obligations for everyday essentials that are beyond the individual to meet. Any Veteran faced with a real emergency should be provided with VIN assistance within the framework of these policies.
Application process for financial emergencies
1. An individuals must complete all application forms for VIN Financial Assistance.
The VIN Outreach Team must establish from an interview with the applicant and, or from other sources all the facts regarding the need for assistance.
2. The Outreach Team should not base their decisions on assumptions.
Each case must be considered on its own merit. No two persons are exactly alike; also, no two situations are identical.
When the applicant’s case is borderline, the decision normally should favor the applicant.
Normally, to evaluate an applicant’s request for assistance, the Outreach Team will consider, as a minimum, the following items:
(1) Whether a real emergency exists.
(2) Information on applicant’s income from all sources (including spouses, when applicable).
(3) Itemized statement of monthly and other expenses.
(4) Whether financial help will relieve the emergency.
(5) Amount of assistance needed versus what is wanted.
(6) Whether the need is being met or can better be met by aid from another agency.
The VIN objective is to meet every valid emergency need of veterans in distress.
Financial vetting process
Assistance is provided only for a valid need and not as a comfort or convenience. Assistance is given only to individuals, not for group relief, general welfare, or long-term commitments. Each request is considered on its own merits, on a personalized and timely basis and without publicity. Assistance to veterans normally should be due to an emergency situation that developed recently. Assistance may be given only to and for veterans and their family.
Butler County Veterans Service Office
Phone: (724)284-5352
for interview and documentation requirements